
Vegetarian gratin

Off on my travels again, Paris, Monte-Carlo then maybe even Hungary. The planes and airports are as unpleasant as ever, it’s just the pain of travelling is shorter by air.

Found some extremely interesting documents about how to diet by eating oriental food. Very little meat, chinese tea, take your time and eat your rice and sauce seperately, not mixed up. More about this in future posts

Meanwhile a variation of a vegetable lasagne recipe that Nicole gave me last year. She made this with layers of herb “ravioles” which are basically little raviolis made somewhere in the east of France
– place alternate layers of sliced courgettes, sliced tomatoes and smoked salmon in an ovenproof dish
– add plenty of pepper and a little fresh cream (the tomatoes give out most of the moisure requires for this dish)
– top with mozarella and grated cheese
– bake in a hot oven until the courgettes are cooked and the cheese lightly browned (about 30 minutes)
– you can replace or add layers with lasagne or indeed other sliced or finely chopped vegetables.