
Orto di Venezia

This is the wine from Venice where I went grape picking earlier this year

The 2008 vintage is obviously not bottled yet, but I drank some 2006 and 2007 just last week in Paris, accompanied by a delicious topinambour (Jerusalem artichoke) soup with truffles. I’ll try to get the recipe from the lovely cook Emmanuelle Jary who, among other things, writes food and travel articles for people like Air France magazine (see here) and is a truffle expert.

The Orto di Venezia wine website is now up on line in three languages. You can find out all about this exceptional wine and find out where it is available. Any restaurants wishing to carry this wine on their winelist can send a request from the contact page on the website. The address is

Meanwhile back in French truffle country myself (no truffles yet, they come early in the year), I have finally got my ancient motorbike fixed with considerable difficulty and various spare parts purchased on eBay (6 volt lamps and coil, new saddle, brake cable). I went to Rocamadour yesterday in glorious sunshine (though it was a bit cold) and the bike works fine despite struggling a little on some of the steep hills. I nevertheless got up to 90km/h on a straight (ok, slightly downhill) piece of road. I will post photos and more about this antique vehicle at some stage in the future.