
Indonesian Beef Salad

Denis once told me about his travels in the Orient.

Our education has taught us how to deny and forget the very basic harmony we should cherish with our planet and brethren.

The food can be so good, so simple yet divinely delicious like sometime sex, the moment is savoured then gone forever, never to be relived, except as a memory or a dream.

Meanwhile Oriental Beef Salad, recipe below:

– coat a tender piece of beef with freshly ground pepper
– seal and sear the beef all sides on a very hot griddle or plancha
– leave it to cool in the freezer for 2 hours (helps for slicing after)
– slice into very thin slices like carpaccio
– pour on a marinade of crushed garlic, light soy sauce, thai fish sauce, sugar, lime juice and a little sesame oil
– leave in the refrigerator for a few hours
– decorate with thinly sliced cucumber and sprinkle with freshly chopped coriander leaves, mint leaves, green onion and hot chillies