
So you thought “Condom” is a silly name for a town

The very day I was galavanting around Gascony and visiting Condom I received this photo from a friend, who probably prefers to remain anonymous (for the francophiles among us, his name is Grisjambon).

Much like Condom, where the Mayor got so fed up with his town signs being stolen by English tourists he created the world first (and possibly only) condom museum, there is apparently a little town in Austria (where else..) called “Fucking”.

The newspaper article, which accompanied the photo of the town sign, contained some absolute gems:
– “Police chief Kommandant Schmidtbrger said ‘We will not stand for the Fucking signs being removed.'”
He continues:
– “It may be amusing for you British, but Fucking is simply Fucking to us. What is this big Fucking joke?”
It gets worse:
– “German tourists want to see Mozart’s house in Salzburg, Americans seem only to care about The Sound of Music film, the occasional Japanese tourist wants to visit Hitler’s birthplace, but for the British it’s all about Fucking…….”