
Bio Dynamic Wine

Chemical farming methods are destroying natures inherent equilibrium but, through the wisdom of some of the world’s most prominent wine-makers, a powerful movement to return to more natural farming methods is growing.

These sometimes ancient methods of agriculture have implications for the survival of the entire planet.

Taste it and judge for yourself. The same applies to vegetables and fruit grown with these methods.

This must be the agriculture of the future.

Biodynamics are more effective than organic or natural methods of agriculture because they work with the health of the soil, which in turn gives greater health to the plant, which, when eaten by animals or humans (who also eat those animals), gives them greater health.

Biodynamic agriculture can also heal sick soils and so offers a real solution to the problems incurred from chemical agriculture.

Thanks to Geoffrey FINCH for this input, obviously there will be plenty more on this topic in future posts.