This is a really interesting soup, deliciously surprising.
– soak some white bread in a little water (cut the crusts off first)
– Take a similar amount of almonds (ie: equal amounts of bread and almonds) and grind in the blender
– Add two or three cloves of garlic and the soaked bread, grind a bit more until you get a paste
– Add a little sherry vinegar
– Slowly drizzle with olive oil and keep blending in the mixer until the resulting “paste” become smooth
– Add water slowly until you obtain the required consistency: the soup should be slightly thick but not too watery
– Season with plenty salt and pepper and place in the fridge to cool for at least 2 hours or more
– This soup need to be served very cool, you can add a couple of ice cubes before serving if necessary
– Decorate with roasted almonds and deseeded grapes (black and white)